
Patch: audio_visual_lab, 10-12.10.2013 Kraków

p a t c h: audio_visual_lab is an international event dedicated to contemporary digital art forms. During the event world of science and art meets to focus on new trends and opportunities in digital, audiovisual art created with new means of communication. New technologies, open-source platforms, machinery and tools, which are developed and processed by the users, where ‘digitalism’ often co-inherence with ‘analogism’.

[tovább] »


12. Visegrad Summer School

Call for applications: 1-31 March, 2013

[tovább] »

XI Visegrad Summer School – call for application

XI Visegrad Summer School – call for application

The Villa Decius Association, Krakow, Poland
1-14 July 2012

The programme of Visegrad Summer School consists of lectures, panel debates and seminars on issues and challenges relevant to the Visegrad Group region, the European Union and the CEE countries.

It is educational programme which provides an interdisciplinary learning space for young Czech, Hungarian, Polish and Slovak students, and for their peers from other Central and Eastern European countries. The topics cover current social, economic, political and cultural issues concerning the Visegrad countries, presented in wider regional, European and global perspective.

As former editions have shown the Visegrad Summer School is an unique forum to build relations of acceptance, friendship and cooperation between young people, who will soon shape the future of their countries and the continent. The programme of the 11th edition the includes lectures, debates and workshops on current political, cultural and social challenges in the regional, global and European perspective.

[tovább] »


Nationalism and National Populism in the Visegrad Countries Conference

With the participation of the Cracovia Express Fundation
18 October 2011. Masaryk University, Brno [tovább] »

Cover of the Young Polish Drama